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Preview of WICA (beta) 10_21_2023 12_11_50 PM.png

Atlas Moon: WICA

prequal to the Atlasmoon: Piranauts series. discover the hidden truth of atlas.  

About Wica

Travers on a Journey with wica as she tries to protect here land that she inherited from her grand father. The capital seek to control all land and citizens, regulate laws on crimes and Magic wielders. discover wica's most powerful spells. Capture the most strongest creatures from across the veil and trained the to defeat the foes. Use your Tarodex to record the familiars, spirits, sprite and frays you see. build a home and farm to survive. make friends and enemies with taming monsters and battling with them. discover the secrets of Atlas Moon. 

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Gather resource

use environmental resources to craft tools and spells to help players on their journey.

Selective Inventory

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